Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cancer and Pranayam - Part 2 cont

A comparatively new branch of science, psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), strongly establishes a positive co-relation between the body (immune system) and mind.

According to PNI, prolonged & sincere practice of pranayam and meditation cause a marked influence on brain. These techniques affect both the left and right hemisphere of brain and make both the hemispheres less active. Right prefrontal lobe (responsible for generating worry and anxiety signals) becomes idle due to pranayam and meditation.(Please Note this point)

As a result, a significant rise in T-cell and NK cell activities and a fall in blood levels of stress hormones and Herpes Virus. These phenomenons help one to enjoy better quality of life. But it requires achieving a higher mental plane to reduce the brain activities.

Although, PNI published a lot of case studies, but all the reports supports the above mentioned results but ends in a sad note, saying that ‘patient died….’.

So PNI indirectly agrees that pranayam and meditation can only improve physical condition for a short period of time.

Brain is the most complicated organ. It is very hard to comprehend properly all the factors related to less brain activity due to pranayam.

In this post, I would like to add a point before I conclude. The right side of the brain also orients physical existence in space and time frame. A reduction of activities, due to pranayam, in this side has a very important consequences.................................!!!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Breathing exercise and Cancer - part 2

Pranayam is a process of inhaling, holding and releasing breath in a controlled manner. Meditation is a process to free our minds from the earthy matter and gradually moving to eternal bliss. Both of these two influence the body and mind. As a result, if a sick person regularly and properly practices pranayam and meditation, we’ll observe certain improvements in physical and mental health conditions.

I have seen many patients, who are doing pranayam, experiencing lesser side effects of chemo/radiotherapy. Certainly these patients enjoy better quality of life in comparison with those who are not practicing pranayam. But the tragedy is that these critically sick patients (like cancer, AIDS and other serious diseases) can’t survive more than expected.

Does it mean that pranayam is not a curative process? Well, I still reserve my comments but here I’m posting about the original objectives of pranayam and meditation.

We find the mention of yoga, pranayam and meditation in ancient Indian philosophical as well as religious scriptures. These methods, specifically, pranayam and meditation were mentioned as a vehicle to self realization and feeling oneness with the supreme soul.

The important point is that these methods were used and practiced to gain transcendental knowledge. In other words, to realize that body is perishable but soul is immortal. So pranayam and meditation were used not for body comfort rather to experience higher mental plane. Emphasis was on mind/soul rather than body.

This is where the contradiction lies and problem starts. Today we are putting emphasis on the physical existence and over looking the ultimate truth of life. But mind, being affected by sincere practice of pranayam, reacts automatically to the vibration of the eternality. And slowly but surely becomes unresponsive to physical conditions.

Mind looks up and up and searches that glorious vibration once it gets a boost from the effects of positive energies received by the body during pranayam. Unknowingly, the patient starts look beyond her physical condition. For now, I conclude here.

Subscribe now to know more about my realization. These are of course my personal views and not intended to suggest anything to anyone.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Breathing Exercise and Cancer -- Part 1 Cont

Pranayama or breathing exercise, yoga and meditation – all are very much popular around the world. The hype is beyond imagination. Different methods and techniques are being advised by the experts to solve both mental and physical aliments. A host of web sites talk about yoga for a price and it seems to me that life is so simple now. Everything is available in a tailor made condition.

But reality seems to be not so bright. I mentioned that my wife and few other patients were doing pranayama regularly as directed by a reputed guru. Still, they couldn’t survive and unfortunately everyday some patients, who practiced pranayama sincerely, succumb to diseases.

I know a lady of 30 years old who learned and was practicing Pranayama daily for more than a year. The worst thing that happened was that she is now suffering from breast cancer.

Yes, like you I have also heard of people who are cured after practicing pranayama. Although I visited all the leading cancer hospitals in India for long 6 years for the treatment of my wife, I failed to see in my eyes a single patient who is surviving long enough. But that doesn’t mean that I want to say that pranayam or meditation or yoga don’t work.

With due respect to all of those yoga/pranayama trainers, I would like to request all the cancer patients to think about the pranayama more seriously. Please just don’t jump on the yoga bandwagon.

In my next post, I’ll pen down my explanations about the so called failure of yoga/pranayama. And my explanation is important as I have closely monitored a cancer patient for 6 years. I don’t think any trainer has a such unwanted but valuable experiences.

So please subscribe to my blog, so that you don’t miss any update. Thanks.

Disclaimer: In this blog my personal views are expressed. This post is neither to contradict or establish any trend(s).